Direct Marketing/Farm

Hop Kotan Brewery
Hop Kotan Brewery
Craft beer using hops grown in Kamifurano.
For us beer brewers, brewing beer with rare local hops is the happiest thing in the world.
We would like to pursue the creation of even more [...]

Terasaka Farm Melon Shop
Terasaka Farm Melon Shop
First, have a free sample of melon. You are most welcome even if you are just sampling!

Furano Kaori no Sha
Furano Kaori no Sha
Furano`s Vegetable and Gift Shop.
We sell Furano`s Vegetable, Gift, Aspara, Melon, Corn, Potato… and the others.
And provide delivery service.
1year Pass(Send seasonal farm[...]

Tada Winery
Tada Winery
A small winery with lodging facilitie
In a harsh cold climate, We make wine from European wine varieties such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Merlot with wild yeast. We also brew cider.
Beaver Farm Kitagawa
Beaver Farm Kitagawa
Japanese Sake “Doburoku” brewed with organically grown rice.
Doburoku is brewed with rice, malt, and water grown in Furano.It is a sake that is concentrated with the power of the[...]